Longest Human Pregnancy

Longest Human Pregnancy – Human Resource Specialist Resume.

Longest Human Pregnancy

    human pregnancy

  • Pregnancy is the carrying of one or more offspring, known as a fetus or embryo, inside the womb of a female. In a pregnancy, there can be multiple gestations, as in the case of twins or triplets. Human pregnancy is the most studied of all mammalian pregnancies.


  • for the most time; “she stayed longest”
  • Measuring a great distance from end to end
  • (after a measurement and in questions) Measuring a specified distance from end to end
  • (of a journey) Covering a great distance

longest human pregnancy

longest human pregnancy – The Midwife's

The Midwife's Here!: The Enchanting True Story of One of Britain's Longest Serving Midwives
The Midwife's Here!: The Enchanting True Story of One of Britain's Longest Serving Midwives
‘Delivering my first baby is a memory that will stay with me forever. Just feeling the warmth of a newborn head in your hands, that new life, there’s honestly nothing like it… I’ve since brought more than 2,200 babies into the world, and I still tingle with excitement every time.’
It’s the summer of 1968 and St Mary’s Maternity Hospital in Manchester is a place from a bygone age. It is filled with starched white hats and full skirts, steaming laundries and milk kitchens, strict curfews and bellowed commands. It is a time of homebirths, swaddling and dangerous anaesthetics. It was this world that Linda Fairley entered as a trainee midwife aged just 19 years old.
From the moment Linda delivered her first baby – racing across rain-splattered Manchester street on her trusty moped in the dead of night – Linda knew she’d found her vocation. ‘The midwife’s here!’ they always exclaimed, joined in their joyful chorus by relieved husbands, mothers, grandmothers and whoever else had found themselves in close proximity to a woman about to give birth.
Under the strict supervision of community midwife Mrs Tattershall, Linda’s gruellingly long days were spent on overcrowded wards pinning Terry nappies, making up bottles and sterilizing bedpans – and above all helping women in need. Her life was a succession of emergencies, successes and tragedies: a never-ending chain of actions which made all the difference between life and death.
There was Mrs Petty who gave birth in heartbreaking poverty; Mrs Drew who confided to Linda that the triplets she was carrying were not in fact her husband’s; and Muriel Turner, whose dangerously premature baby boy survived – against all the odds. Forty years later Linda’s passion for midwifery burns as bright as ever as she is now celebrated as one of Britain’s longest-serving midwives, still holding the lives of mothers and children in her own two hands.
Rich in period detail and told with a good dose of Manchester humour, The Midwife’s Here! is the extraordinary, heartwarming tale of a truly inspiring woman.

Murder in the Adirondacks: An American Tragedy Revisted by Craig Brandon

Murder in the Adirondacks: An American Tragedy Revisted by Craig Brandon
Submitted for December’s MSH # 1 – Be careful what you wish for …Grace Brown’s biggest wish was to be with Chester Gillette. All that wish got her was dead.

Funny story about this book is that I bought it about 2 or three years ago. I never got to it and it wound up on my bookshelf till a few weeks ago when I was pulling some stuff off to put on paperback swap. I came across it and moved it up to the top of my to be read list. I found this book at Borders in the local interest section. Ithought it was a story that never really went anywhere other than around central new york. To my suprise this was a HUGE thing back in 1906. It was major headlines across the country. People came from miles around just to get a glimpse of the trial. But before I get to that i should introduce the characters. This was one of those boy meets girl girl winds up dead stories.

The first person was Grace Brown. Grace was the daughter of a Chenango County Farmer who lived in South Otselic, NY. If your first question is where I can understand. Even today South Otselic is a rural community located in the northern portion of Chenango County. When I say rural I mean very rural. In 1904 she moved to Cortland, NY (which was much bigger) which was about 40 miles away. She moved in with her married sister and eventually got a job working in the Gilette Skirt Factory that was located in Cortland.

The boy in this story was Chester Gillette. Chester was the nephew of the owner of the skirt factory. He was born in Montana and spent the better part of his life traveling around with his parents who were officers in the Salvation Army. He eventually left his parents as a teen and attended Oberlin Prep school in Ohio. He didn’t take to well to that either so off to Cortland he went to work for his uncle.

So Grace and Chester meet in the factory and eventually begin a romantic relationship. In 1906 it eventually turned into a sexual relationship amd before long Grace found out that she was pregnant in the spring of 1906. This is where you begin to question everything. Chester never took Grace anywhere. He would show up at her place 2x a week for his booty call and then leave. When he did go out places he was with the more "elite & popular" people of Cortland at that time and often in the company of other women. She evetually told him she was pregnant and she began to pressure him into marrying her. To get her to go away for a little while he convinced her to go back to her parents place for a little bit. She goes, but she is not happy. She spend the entire 3 weeks there crying, writing letter upon letter to Chester, being sick, depressed, and talking about suicide. Towards the end of the 3rd week she begins to get letters from old friends at the skirt factory informing her of Chester’s extra curricular activities with other girls. Grace becomes more upset and tells Chester that she is coming back to Cortland. Not wanting her to come back to Cortland in her condition he convinces her to pack everything she owns and they will go to the Adirondacks to be together.

They meet and take the train together into the adirondacks. Along the way they stayed at a couple of hotels and he registered in another name. They finally get to Big Moose Lake and rent a boat one afternoon. Something happened on the lake that afternoon The boat was found the next day and the search was on for Grace and Chester. Grace was found at the bottom of the lake and Chester was nowhere to be found. He eventually was found in Inlet, NY and was promptly arrested.

The book then goes on to talk about the trial, evidence found, their relationship, the sensationalism, and eventually Chester’s execution. It was a very well researched book.

My thoughts and what I believe: Chester was a dog. No doubts about it. He really never had anyintentions of marrying Grace or even having a "normal courtship" with her. She was good enough for that twice a week booty call, but not good enough to show off to his friends. The man is no different than a lot of men today. Grace was very young and naieve. Her downfall was that she had a problem taking a hint. But I guess that is where her naievity came into play. The letters she wrote to Chester would have driven the most patient man to drink.

Now do I think Chester did it? I can’t say for sure because no one actually saw him do it, but. there sure was a lot of motive for him to do it.. Now do I think he is responsible for her death. You bet your sweet boppy I do. Regardless of how her death came about he was there when it happened and he could have stopped it or prevented it. No question about it. I thorughly believe he deserved prison. He was a poor excuse for a human being and for a man as well. As for his execution, I’m still on the fence about that subject.


Portrait of girl (7-9) leaning on pregnant mother’s belly

longest human pregnancy

You Know You're Pregnant When... Reflections on the Longest Nine Months of My Life
There is a lot of bellyaching that goes along with pregnancy. This book is no different. You Know You’re Pregnant When… Reflections on the Longest Nine Months of My Life is a book written by a former pregnant woman to other pregnant women. Even though every pregnancy is different, they all do have one thing in common: They can sometimes be a pain. However, within that pain, we can sometimes find commonalities that allow us to relate to each other. We’re all women about to have babies and that’s a big deal in and of itself. But that doesn’t mean we have to take it too seriously. Because, really, pregnancy can be kind of funny. You Know You’re Pregnant When… Reflections on the Longest Nine Months of My Life is the pregnancy book to buy if you want a funny look at what really happens once you find yourself pregnant.

There is a lot of bellyaching that goes along with pregnancy. This book is no different. You Know You’re Pregnant When… Reflections on the Longest Nine Months of My Life is a book written by a former pregnant woman to other pregnant women. Even though every pregnancy is different, they all do have one thing in common: They can sometimes be a pain. However, within that pain, we can sometimes find commonalities that allow us to relate to each other. We’re all women about to have babies and that’s a big deal in and of itself. But that doesn’t mean we have to take it too seriously. Because, really, pregnancy can be kind of funny. You Know You’re Pregnant When… Reflections on the Longest Nine Months of My Life is the pregnancy book to buy if you want a funny look at what really happens once you find yourself pregnant.


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